Tuesday, October 31, 2006, ⇒Halloween..Booooo
Saturday, October 28, 2006, ⇒Do Yo Really Wanna See Me Cry????
Current Mood:
Well I was thinking about what to update this blog with, So i just decided to change the layout^^.. Hopefully you people like it ^^
Hehehe..lol..I dedicate it to my best friend^^ yay..lol..We all love her >3<..haha
well I'm a really boring person right now
Tuesday, October 24, 2006, ⇒So Much to Tell So Little Time
Current Mood: +
Well as the name explains everything...I have soo much to ttell but so little time.. Sometimes I feel like I need more then 24 hours a day I need about 30..hahaha..
Well the news are not good or bad. We lost our last meet , which was today and I do not know why I am still happy. I swam 2 events today: 100 Freestyle Relay and 400 Freestyle Relay.. it was fun as usual. I almost fell asleep in this cold weather waiting for my dad to pick me up, and I lost my voice while being sick so ..basically I have the full pakage..lol
Anyways, Life is still good and I have my friends and have my temamates that I hang out with and have fun. I have not time to tell anymore but I'll try to update more.. so luv ya <3>
Wednesday, October 18, 2006, ⇒PSAT
Current Mood:
Well, as you can see the title says that today I had PSAT..yeah, finally over..lol..
It was all right I tell you, I thought that in the beginning it was even easy, but realized by the ened that noooo..it is harder than anything lol..
Anyways, lol..I could have been done at 1 pm, but decided to go to my last 2 classes, I feel so mentally exhosted that I cannot even think about anything..lol..so I just give up..
Here are the pictures from 2 days ago, when my 2 best friends and I went ot Manhatten to Metropolitan Museum..enjoy^3^:
Link: Photos(hate them so blurry T_T)
By the way, here is something new I srew for my cartooning class, just a sketch tho..^^
Thursday, October 12, 2006, ⇒Research Papers!!!
Current Mood:
Hello..lol..I'm soo sorry ..didn't post anything fo so long...lol
We had so far 3 meets we won 2 of them, the last one was preety hard and competetive. We didn't do bad but not good enough either.
Well at the title says, yes I have two research papers to do.
Bothe of them are for my medical technology clas, however one is for Essay Competition but anither one is just a research paper on genetic disorder.
My two topics are:
1) Influenza (Bird Flue)- for competition
2) Huntington Disease- Med Tech research paper
About Influenza:
What I learned and kind of researched so far is:
1918- Pandemic of Influenza, 20,000,000 people in the US died.
Young adults were affected by the virus, most of the cases were fatal. When the First World War started and troops were sent to Europe to fight, they brought Influenza back to America.
Before the virus attacked humans, it affected only birds and pigs were carriers of the virus as well. However, somehow the virus' RNA (ribonucleic acid, stored in the nucleus) mutated and started to affect human organism. Later scientist tried to determine what caused the virus to mutate and where it came from. They determined that Influenza was a mutated Swine Virus.
More info:
Pandemic Flu
About Huntington Disease:
Huntington Disease is a hereditary disease or genetic disorder that affects brain. The reason for the disease is mutated protein called Huntingtin, although scientists do not know the exact function of this protein, they know that if it mulfunctions it results in the death of brain cells.
More Info:
Harvard Center of Neurology
So this is it so far, and I'll try to post more now..thanks for reading this boring stuff, but lol..yeah..whatever..c ya